Is India Safe for Single Woman Travellers?

Generally tourists are never harmed, though they tend to be harassed by beggars and unrelenting salesmen. Off late laws have become strict & the tourist police is doing a commendable job at heritage sites & tourist monuments. Strict laws and regulations must be enforced to prevent political agitations from getting violent. The biggest sufferers are backpackers and individual tourists. Those traveling with tour companies and having pre- booked programs do not generally suffer, because most of the programs are escorted and drivers/guides provide the necessary assistance.
Setting up assistance booths at important tourist destinations will provide the tourist with a secure feeling, and also keep a check on vagabonds and strangers intending to commit a misdeed. This practice needs to be standardized, though a beginning has been made at some spots.
Adopting the following simple self-measures would also go a long way in benefitting tourists.
- Don't befriend strangers, unless absolutely necessary particularly at public places.
- Never accept food of drink from strangers at bus terminals, railway stations, airports, pubs, and other crowded areas. It could be spiked.
- Avoiding travelling alone, late at night. Carrying mace, whistle, a swiss knife helps.
- Avoid lonely spots like long stretches of unpatrolled beaches, forest lands or by lanes during daytime. If you must travel, travel with your partner or a local, familiar & known to you.
- If visiting a pub, walk out sober (it could be a daunting task, but being in a foreign land, it's important.) Most incidents of gang rape and molestation take place when the victim is inebriated and seeks assistance to travel from one point to the next.
- It travelling alone, choose hotels which are recommended by guide books, tourism department, reliable websites and other networking agencies."
Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly safe to travel in India, however one needs to follow some simple basic rules. The same would apply if I were visiting an exotic country for the first time. The international rule while traveling alone is: you need to be extra alert & be prepared.