Huff & Puff!! It's the Puffer Fish


The second most poisonous fish - Puffer Fish found at Narara Marine Park in Gujarat is perhaps one of the exciting finds on half day excursion to Narara, located 50 kms. west of Jamnagar, Gujarat. What started out as a journey of simply being curious turned to one of amazement as the ocean uncovered its magic with a wide display of a variety of corals, sponges, prawns, mollusks, algae of various colors & puffer fish, star fish as well as a variety of crabs.

The Coral walk at Narara is done in the dry spell between 2 high tides.. Generally it takes 3 and half hours for tide to reach the highest point at Narara on any given day, and same time is taken for the ebb. Among the many interesting finds we had on this day somewhere in the month of February 2014 was the Puffer Fish, the second most poisonous fish. As soon as our guide Abid Ali picked it from the waters true to its name, the Puffer Fish puffed up to almost double its size, became round with spines sticking out to threaten the predator, thereby creating an effective defensive mechanism, Nature designed for it. Though very poisonous, the Puffer fish remains a delicacy in Japan.