285 year old Sun Dial still keeps count of Time!


Sawai Jai Singh of Jaipur took over the reins of controlling his kingdom at age eleven & ruled judiciously, at the same he displayed scholarly interest in astronomy. He studied works of different astronomers and even sent his deputies across the oceans to collect information on astronomy. His efforts resulted in the creation of observatories at different centers across the plains of India. Notable was the Observatory at Jaipur, referred to as Jantar Mantar. He built 16 instruments for making exact calculations of the planets & stars in a precise manner. Jai Singh himself took readings at this observatory, completed in 1734 A.D. All instruments are in perfect working condition to this day, including the sun dial - also known at the `Virhat Samrat' standing tall at 90 feet. It is ten times larger than the smaller sundial & accurate in predicting current time to a minuscule two seconds. What's more, Jantar Mantar is also a tourist attraction, drawing in size-able numbers each day.